Die IMHO (siehe unten :-) ) wichtigsten Abkürzungen sind durch einen Stern (*) gekennzeichnet.
* Abk. Abkürzung
AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned
AFK Away From Keyboard
AISI As I See It
* aka also known as
ASAP As Soon As Possible
AWGTHTGTTA Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again?
B4 Before
BBIAB Be Back In A Bit
BBL Be Back Later
BOT Back On Topic
* BTW By The Way
* bzgl. bezüglich
* bzw. beziehungsweise
* CPU Central Processor Unit
* CRT Cathode Ray Tube
* CU see you
CUL See You Later
CUL8R See You Later
CWYL Chat With You Later
* DV Datenverarbeitung
* EDV elektronische Datenverarbeitung
* evt. eventuell
* FD Floppy Disk
FD FrontDoor
FTL Faster Than Light
FUBB Fouled Up Beyond Belief
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYI For Your Information
* ggf. gegebenenfalls
GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
* GUI graphical user interface
HAK Hugs And Kisses
* HD Hard Disk
* HHOK Ha, Ha, Only Kidding
* HTH Hope this Helps!
* i.a. im allgemeinen
IAC In Any Case
IBTD I Beg To Differ
IITYWIMWYBMAD If I Tell You What It Means Will You Buy Me A Drink?
IIWM If It Were Me (Mine)
* IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
* IMO In My Opinion
* INPO In No Particular Order
* IOW In Other Words
* KBD Keyboard
* KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid
LD Long Distance
LLTA Lots and Lots of Thundering Applause
LOL Laughing Out Loud
* Msg Message
* MTBF mean time between failure
MTFBWY May The Force Be With You
* n/a not applicable
NFI No Friggin' Idea
NFW No Friggin' Way!!
NINO No Input, No Output
OAUS On An Unrelated Subject
obj Objekt
OBTW Oh, By The Way
ONNA Oh No, Not Again
ONNTA Oh No, Not This Again
OOTC Obligatory On-Topic Comment
OTOH On The Other Hand
POV Point Of View
* PS postscript / post scriptum
ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing!
* ROTFL Rolling on the floor, laughing
RSN Real Soon Now
* RTFM Read The F*cking Manual!
RTWFQ Read The Whole Friggin' Question
* RYS Read Your Screen
SF Science Fiction
* SNAFU Situation Normal, All F*cked Up
* SnailMail Schnecken-Post (der konventionelle - papierene - Postweg)
TARFU Things Are _Really_ Fouled Up
* TNX Thanks
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
TTYL Talk To You Later
TYCLO Turn Your CAPS LOCK Off (Quit Shouting)
* u.U. unter Umständen
* u.v.a. und vieles andere
* usw. und so weiter
WT Without Thinking
* z.B. zum Beispiel
* z.Z. zur Zeit
Basiert auf einer Kompilation von Josh Mandel, James Bach, Joan Friedman, Sally Neuman, Neil Rubenking, Dave Konkel, Axel Roschinski, Richard Fellner, Andreas Hascher.